Azure Sky Solar

Owned and operated by Enel North America, the 284 MW Azure Sky solar + storage project has earned the world’s first Envision Gold award for a renewable energy + battery storage project. Located west of the Dallas-Fort Worth area, the project demonstrated that it is possible to generate an abundance of clean energy while simultaneously reducing construction waste, supporting local agriculture, protecting and enhancing natural resources, and prioritizing sustainable management practices for the long term.

With operations commencing in 2022, the Azure Sky Solar’s 700,000 photovoltaic (PV) bi-facial panels generate over 586 GWh each year, equivalent to the electricity use of over 55,000 homes, thereby avoiding the equivalent of more than 386,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually. The integrated battery energy storage system (BESS), with a capacity of 95 MW / 116 MWh, was incorporated early as one of the key sustainability enhancements — adding flexibility and resilience to the project and the utility grid.

Sustainability was integrated from the outset. The project was intentionally sited away from any critical habitat or protected areas. The location presented good solar radiation, and the topography made it possible to reduce earthwork and eliminate soil movement to and from the site. The site also promised good access — avoiding the creation of new access roads — and the point of connection to the grid is next to the substation, avoiding the need for a new transmission line.

Project Partners
The owner, Enel North America, worked in close collaboration with several partners on the design-build construction of the project, including global sustainable development consultancy Arup (Envision firm), Primoris (Contractor), and Kertec (Land Restoration Consultant).


“Enel is not only deploying the clean energy that North America needs, but we’re also building it the right way,” said Stephen Pike, head of Enel North America’s renewable energy business, Enel Green Power North America. “Receiving the Envision Gold designation for Azure Sky Solar validates our approach to designing sustainability into the entire life cycle of our plants. It also motivates us to continue to set new standards for innovation in the development, construction and operation of renewables. We’re honored to be recognized by ISI for this project.”

“ISI congratulates Enel Green Power and the entire project team on earning an Envision Gold award for this project,” said Kristi Wamstad, ISI’s Verification Director. “With Azure Sky Solar, the project team has carefully demonstrated how the design and implementation of the facility contributes to a low-carbon future and delivers lasting community and ecological benefits.”

Verified Sustainability Achievements

Protecting and Enhancing Ecosystems – This project uses native and pollinator-friendly seed mix to establish a pollinator habitat for the life of the project, generating both operational cost savings and ecosystem services. Monarch butterflies and native pollinators will be able to access a high-quality habitat. This agrivoltaics approach generates benefits for the community by improving native vegetation, protecting local wildlife and ecosystems, and promoting pollinator health for local agriculture.

Long-term Monitoring and Maintenance – The project has a long-term monitoring approach with detailed steps and specific plans for every component of the site. In addition, procedures are applied that establish monitoring improvement practices, continual development and/or improvement of monitoring tools to assist in maintenance and improve the efficiency, energy availability, and performance of the facility.

Energy CommissioningClosely aligned with the monitoring and maintenance program noted above, the Azure Sky solar + storage project was designed and built with the appropriately sized and selected redundant equipment and software to monitor the performance of the PV panels and BESS continuously. All systems (PV plant, BESS, security, met towers, etc.) are integrated with the external systems, making it possible to monitor performance and detect and quickly remedy potential eventual failures in real time. All components of the project have been commissioned by a third party, under the overall direction and supervision of the project team (specifically the Commissioning Team).

Energy Conversion EfficiencyThe estimated conversion efficiency of the PV panels is between 80% and 82%, depending on the type used. In addition, the project will consume minimal power throughout regular operations, using energy from the PV plant during the day, while tapping into the grid during nighttime, when the PV plant is not operative. The only energy consumed at night is to keep the communication, cooling system and operational controlling of the plant at the O&M building, and for the cooling system of the BESS.

Waste Management and Balanced Earthwork – The project developed a waste and recycling management plan for the construction phase, allowing for 97% diversion of construction wastes from landfills. No earthwork was removed from the site and no earthwork was imported. Calculations of the cut and fill areas were performed, and all remaining earth volumes were used to implement the erosion control berms and revegetation efforts at the project site.

Floodplain Integration – The project initially considered using the floodplain area for power generation. However, a hydrology study was in progress and once the results were known, the project team decided to reduce the generation capacity of the project, and avoid the floodplain area, giving up additional power generation for improved environmental performance and facility resilience. Moreover, erosion controls have been added to avoid any impacts on the floodplain.

Project Name: Azure Sky Solar LLC
Location: Haskell County, Texas
Envision Rating: Gold
Date: August 27, 2024
Owner: Enel North America
Envision Firm: Arup
Other Project Team Members: Primoris, Contractor; KerTec, Land restoration consultant
Total Project Cost: $312M
Delivery Method: Progressive Design-Build / EPC Contract
Project Phase: Operational
Project Website: