Membership Fees
Corporate and Organization Memberships include trade and professional associations. The annual fee is based on total number of employees.
< 50 Employees $500/year
51-100 employees $1,500/year
101-500 employees $2,500/year
> 500 employees $3,500/year
Individual Memberships
Infrastructure professionals who are not affiliated with corporate, organization, academic or government account may become an individual member.
Private Sector Individuals: $20/year
Government Employees: Free upon request
Students and Faculty: Free upon request
Government Agencies
Any level of government or public agency may obtain a Government Membership.
Free upon request
Academic Institutions
Any not-for-profit institution of higher learning.
Free upon request
Memberships for government agencies and academic institutions, and employees of government agencies and academic institutions, as well as students, can be obtained by contacting