Working on a press release, presentations, or article involving ISI and Envision? You may find the following resources useful.
Brand Assets
Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure
Altering the logos colors or proportions, attaching visual elements to the logos, or truncating the logos is not permitted. Consult the detailed ISI Brand Guide for more details.
Contact us at if you require a version of the logo on a transparent background or the ISI Member logo (if you are an ISI Member organization), or if you have other requirements.
Use of spacing around logos
To maintain the visual identity of ISI and Envision, please make sure to include sufficient clear space around their logos. For example:
Envision or ISI — Which to use?
We recommend using both the ISI logo AND the Envision logo, which represents the visual identify for its signature sustainability framework and rating system. When space is an issue, one or the other logo may be selected as appropriate.
The Envision Framework and Manual
“The Envision Sustainable Infrastructure Framework” refers to all of the components that make up the Envision system – i.e., not only the guidance manual, but also the Envision credentialing system, Envision verification, pre-assessment tools, etc. We suggest using “the Envision® Sustainable Infrastructure Framework” on first reference, and “the Envision Framework” thereafter.
Users may cite the “Envision Sustainable Infrastructure Framework Guidance Manual” when referring specifically to the written framework, or just “the Envision Guidance Manual.” Please refer to the section below on citing Envision in a publication.
“About Envision” boilerplate text
Full-length version:
Envision is a framework managed by ISI that encourages systemic changes in the planning, design, and delivery of sustainable, resilient, and equitable civil infrastructure through education, training, and third-party project verification. It was developed through a collaboration between ISI, which was founded by ASCE, APWA, ACEC, and the Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design. Suitable for infrastructure of all types and scales, the framework is used to assess projects for sustainability across 64 indicators, called credits.
Short version:
Envision responds to the need for a comprehensive sustainability framework and rating system suitable for use in civil infrastructure development. The framework encourages systemic changes in the planning, design, and delivery of sustainable infrastructure.
“About ISI” boilerplate text
The following text can be used when describing ISI:
Full-length version:
The Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) is an education and research nonprofit (a 501c3) dedicated to advancing sustainability in infrastructure through education, training, and third-party project verification. ISI manages the Envision sustainability framework and rating system, which encourages systemic changes in the planning, design, and delivery of sustainable, resilient, and equitable civil infrastructure. Founded in 2010 in Washington, DC by the American Public Works Association (APWA), the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC), ISI then partnered with the Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure at Harvard University to develop Envision.
Short version:
The Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) is an education and research nonprofit working to advance sustainable, equitable, and resilient infrastructure through the Envision sustainability framework and rating system.
Citing Envision in a publication
The guidance manual for Envision Version 3 sets out the written framework. User can access the manual at no charge through their free ISI account.
In a research paper, the manual may be referenced using the style below. A specific section of the manual, dealing with a particular credit, can also be cited as one would a chapter in a book or report.
APA Style:
Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (2018). Envision Sustainable Infrastructure Framework Guidance Manual.
Chicago Manual of Style:
Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure, Envision Sustainable Infrastructure Framework Guidance Manual, (Washington, DC: ISI, 2018).
Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure. Envision Sustainable Infrastructure Framework Guidance Manual. Washington, DC, 2018.
Use of Material from the Guidance Manual
As stated in the manual, the content “or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations.” Inquiries regarding use of photographic material from the manual (i.e., project photos) will typically be referred to the project owner / public agency involved.