Steps to Verification

Project teams may choose to pursue Envision verification during the project’s design phase, or once it is constructed. There are two verification pathways to choose from which are outlined below.

Pathway A: Design + Post-Construction

Projects that pursue verification Pathway A may do so any time at or after 95% design completion, in other words, after all major design decisions have been made. Projects pursuing Pathway A will be required to complete a post-construction review, the purpose of which is to confirm that commitments made during project planning and design were carried through construction.  Projects pursuing pathway A may earn an Envision award after undergoing a thorough iterative design review. The post-construction review is required to maintain the award earned after the design review(s).

Pathway B: Post-Construction

Projects that pursue verification Pathway B may do so any time at or after 95% construction completion, up until the project has been operational for three (3) years. Projects pursuing Pathway B may earn an Envision award after undergoing a thorough iterative post-construction review. No subsequent follow-up reviews are required for projects that earn an award after completing Pathway B.