Credential Maintenance

Here’s what’s involved in continuing your professional designation with ISI

An ENV SP credential is valid for one year, and continuing education is required beyond that for ENV SPs to maintain their credential. Continuing education ensures that ENV SPs maintain knowledge of the latest sustainability practices, and that they are well versed on new approaches, innovations, and issues relevant to sustainable infrastructure.

The credential maintenance period commences on the first anniversary of initially earning the ENV SP credential, and continuing education is completed annually.

To maintain the credential, ENV SPs remit an annual renewal fee, and complete seven hours of education. Two of these seven hours are prescribed by ISI and the remaining five hours may consist of continuing education courses or other qualifying activities approved by ISI.

If the credential is not maintained, then the designation expires, and designation holders will no longer be considered ENV SPs. The use of the ENV SP post-nominal must cease, and professionals’ status will be listed as “inactive” on the ISI website.

In Italy, the Envision credentialing program, including credential maintenance, is administered by ICMQ through Envision Italia. ICMQ (Institute for Certification and Quality Branding for Products and Services for Construction) is a non-profit association that encompasses numerous sector associations operating in every part of the construction industry.

For more information, you can view or download our ENV SP resources in the folder shown here (click to open).

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