Press Releases
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ISI Announces Partnership with Guatemala GBC
The Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) is excited to announce a new partnership with Guatemala Green Building Council (GGBC) to bring the Envision framework and rating system to Guatemala.

ISI Travels to China to Strengthen Envision Collaboration
ISI staff visited China, the largest infrastructure market in the world, to explore opportunities to apply Envision to very large and consequential projects, including the development of entirely new cities.

ISI Announces Partnership with Chile GBC
ISI is pleased to announce a new partnership with Chile Green Building Council (Chile GBC)) to bring the Envision framework and rating system to Chile.

ISI holds second Zofnass Research Program Workshop in New York City
Infrastructure professionals gained new insights into the use and implementation of Envision to develop more sustainable projects at ISI’s second Zofnass Research Program Workshop.

City of Santa Monica Sustainable Water Infrastructure Project awarded Envision Platinum
All-underground Advanced Water Treatment Facility is the first-of-its-kind to purify wastewater and stormwater for water reuse.

Sound Transit’s Federal Way Link Extension is Awarded Envision Platinum
Extending light rail transit service 7.8 miles further south into King County, FWLE is part of a larger transit expansion in the Seattle metropolitan area.

RapidRide H Line Transit Project Achieves Envision Platinum
King County Metro upgraded existing bus Route 120 to deliver the RapidRide H Line, adding to Metro’s growing bus rapid transit service.

Philadelphia International Airport’s Taxiway J Rehabilitation Project Earns Envision Verified Award
The project was identified as an early opportunity to showcase PHL’s commitment to enhancing the sustainable performance of their airport by using Envision as a guiding framework.

Two Railway Station Projects in Italy Earn Envision Silver Awards
ICMQ, ISI’s partner in Italy, has announced that two railway…