ROADS & HIGHWAYS PROJECT: Caltrans U.S. 101 Project

The Caltrans U.S. 101 Project has become the first Envision-rated project to successfully complete the post-construction review stage of Envision verification. Retaining its Envision Silver Level awarded in 2021, the Caltrans U.S. 101 Project creates 22 miles of express lanes from the San Mateo County/Santa Clara County line to I-380 in South San Francisco. The project improves traffic conditions and travel times for motorists along the major commute route between San Francisco and Silicon Valley, advances air quality and quality of life goals and delivers a sustainable and efficient transportation network.

Post-construction review is the final Envision verification stage to confirm that commitments (i.e., pending credits) submitted during design were carried out successfully through construction to maintain the Envision Award.


“Caltrans is committed to the four P’s – People, Programs & Projects, Partnerships, and Planet. We are proud to promote a sustainable method to construct 22 miles of express lanes in each direction on Highway 101 to reduce traffic congestion and encourage carpooling. We have also implemented a first-of-its-kind equity program which will serve historically underserved communities in San Mateo County,”

— Mohammad Suleiman, Caltrans Project Manager

“Retaining Envision Silver through this last stage of the third-party Envision verification process is truly an achievement that the project owner and project team should be proud of, as it affirms that commitments made during the initial design review were carried forward during the construction phase. With this milestone, it is worth celebrating the many sustainability achievements that have been demonstrated on this project.”
— Melissa Peneycad, ISI Managing Director

Read the full project profile.