ISI Zofnass Research Program Workshop – May 2024
Join us for the ISI Zofnass Research Program Workshop in New York City, hosted by NV5, where you can learn and engage with recent findings on the implementation of sustainable infrastructure.
Offering a comprehensive examination of research outcomes and insights on Envision application, the event is structured to facilitate a thorough understanding of the challenges and benefits associated with sustainable practices and will feature presentations from New York City’s leading agencies.
This workshop is aimed at sustainability professionals and stakeholders in the infrastructure sector. It promises a thoughtful exchange of knowledge and a collaborative vision for the future of sustainable development.
Bonus: attendance also qualifies for your annual ENV SP credentialing hours. A course code will be distributed post-attendance.
Research Findings on Sustainable Infrastructure and Insights from Envision Implementation
📅 Dates: May 16 – 17, 2024
⏱️ Times: 9 AM – 5 PM ET
Location: 32 Old Slip (Second Floor), New York, NY
Workshop Program: Download the full program