ISI Policy Update

Please note that we have recently published updates to our ISI Policies. This document contains all policies related to the use of the Envision sustainable infrastructure framework, including policies related to Envision verification, the Envision Sustainability Professional (ENV SP) credential, and the credential maintenance program.

Notable updates to the policies include:

  • Reference to the Credential Maintenance Guidance Document and six-month grace period for ENV SPs
  • Removal of sunset dates for Envision versions
  • Clarification on registration cancellation due to inactivity
  • Expanded description of Project Team and Verification Team roles, including the file owner and reviewer
  • Clarification of specific verification timelines for reviews
  • Updates to minimum program requirements and quality expectations
  • Removal of the limit of two new credits for a second review
  • Confirmation that the Pathway A Post Construction Review may address pending credits, new or revised credits from decisions made during construction, and any changes to the scope or key design elements
  • Required attestation and upload of final as-built documents, or similar

Click here or visit our resources page to review the full updated policy document. You can also find it in your ISI user account dashboard (along with a version showing the tracked new changes) under Resources > Policies.

Apply to Become an ENV SP Trainer!

Are you an ENV SP who wants to share your knowledge with other professionals in your industry? ISI is now accepting applications from credentialed ENV SPs for our upcoming Train-the-Trainer course in March. This course is designed to prepare participants to plan and deliver their own Envision workshops, and completion of the course will qualify participants as certified Envision Trainers. Applications are due March 11, and this live virtual course will be held March 25 – 28 from 12 – 5 PM EST each day. Enrollment is limited, so click below to get started!


Click here to download the Train-the-Trainer application.