Manager of Infrastructure Sustainability Certification
Silvia Ciraci graduated as a Building Engineer in 2008. She started her career as a consultant specialized in Safety and Quality Management Systems. Since 2013 she has been with ICMQ S.p.A as their Quality and Product Certification Project Manager, gaining field experience on construction sites. In 2014 she qualified as a LEED Green Associate and Envision Sustainability Professional. She is currently Manager of Infrastructure Sustainability Certification services at ICMQ, acting also as an Envision Trainer, Verifier and Reviewer for the application of Envision on Italian projects.
Since 2014 ICMQ has qualified 150 ENV SPs, and currently Silvia is involved in four reviews of Italian projects. Two of these projects have received Envision awards including “Itinerario ferroviario Napoli-Bari, tratta Frasso Telesino-S. Lorenzo” (platinum); and “Parco eolico Vaglio Integrale Ricostruzione” (gold). ICMQ has also developed two technical documents: “Guidelines for the application of the Envision Protocol to Italian Railway Infrastructure” and the “Alternative Compliance Path, for the application of Envision Protocol to the Italian environment and context.